© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes February 3, 2025 Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council members Tim Ritzman and Donna Showers. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Plant Manager Jared Wagner and Operator Brycen Little. HRG engineer Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. President Shipp called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns Sign ins: Resident Matthew Clark Mr. Clark asked Solicitor Dissinger to refer to Zoning Ordinance 27-12-08, Lighting. A video was provided of a neighbor’s outside light illuminating all other neighboring yards. Mr. Clark estimates a 40,000 lumen stadium light is being used a source of harassment to shine into the home at 16 S Market Street. It was turned on at 6pm until daylight beginning on 1/8/25, and is not motion activated. Solicitor Dissinger will get with Zoning Enforcement Officer Reilly for further investigation. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Ritzman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report Jared advises the hole on Sunbury Street has been filled with stone from the water main break. If it warms up some, they will attempt to put in cold patch until the spring. The no parking signs have been turned on S. Market Street per PSP for enforcement. Councilmember Showers has asked the berm on Mulberry by her door be painted; it is a trip hazard. Many municipalities have experienced difficulty in getting road salt. We currently have enough to make it through the winter. Sewer Committee Jared advises the sludge pump sent out to Weber Electric has yet to be returned. The repairs to the basins are complete. A broken pipe was discovered in basin #2, the arm rusted and the bolts broke off. They will be repairing this also. Kline’s needed to take out 4 extra loads of sludge to get to the brackets. The blower needs repaired in the old digester. He will be scheduling Kline’s to clean out the pump station for the year and provide the quote. Water Committee Report There was a water main break at Sunbury and School Street on Tuesday the 28th. It took the tower three days to fill and some residences experienced lower than normal water pressure. Jared noticed on Saturday at 6pm, the chart showed it was finally filled. There is no way of knowing how full the tower is since there is no indicator. A level sensor is needed and was also noted on the DEP inspection report as a recommendation to install. President Shipp asked Isaac from HRG to see what we need to have this done. The lab error reported to DEP has been corrected with no violation. The PFAS testing is expected soon to let us know when further testing is required. Finance Committee Report Hamilton and Musser, the CPA’s are compiling data for a preliminary report. Solid Waste Committee Report The Fall cleanup will be this year. A date has been set for Saturday, October 11th from 8-12pm. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger has been working with the engineers to attain more than one bid for the required work on the Sewer Grant. HRG will get two more bids for the pigging of the main. Engineer’s Report Justin has been promoted and will be available if needed but Isaac is our assigned engineer. Isaac advises they have been in touch with DCED about getting the pigging approved through the grant. He has been in touch with the EPA Project funding application with a funding officer to be assigned. Chapter 94 and Chapter 110 are due on 3/31 and both are being prepared with the staff. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly advises he has not approved any new permits nor had any consultations. Mayor’s Report Absent. Old Business Several Councilmembers still need to turn in their financial statements. New Business Perry County Conservation District will be having an electronics recycling day at the Newport Fairgrounds. They are requesting $250 from each municipality. President Shipp read the charges to the residents when dropping off any items. The Council does not understand why the County needs to charge the residents in addition to the $250 from the municipalities. They feel as if the residents will not participate with the high cost of dropping off any items. Motion failed to be made. Tabled until the next meeting. The Picture Perry Plan was reviewed with three agenda items. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to have the projects remain in the action plan. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The employees are requesting a jump starter for the dump truck and pick up. Secretary Knellinger presented one for $199 from Northern Tool; Council approved the purchase under the tools budget. President Shipp wondered if the excess trees pushed up on the pylons of the Rt. 17 bridge would put enough pressure to cause damage. He is not sure if this would be a Penn Dot issue or Fish and Boat Commission. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 3rd at 7pm.
© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes February 3, 2025 Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council members Tim Ritzman and Donna Showers. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Plant Manager Jared Wagner and Operator Brycen Little. HRG engineer Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. President Shipp called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns Sign-ins: Resident Matthew Clark Mr. Clark asked Solicitor Dissinger to refer to Zoning Ordinance 27-12-08, Lighting. A video was provided of a neighbor’s outside light illuminating all other neighboring yards. Mr. Clark estimates a 40,000 lumen stadium light is being used a source of harassment to shine into the home at 16 S Market Street. It was turned on at 6pm until daylight beginning on 1/8/25, and is not motion activated. Solicitor Dissinger will get with Zoning Enforcement Officer Reilly for further investigation. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Ritzman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report Jared advises the hole on Sunbury Street has been filled with stone from the water main break. If it warms up some, they will attempt to put in cold patch until the spring. The no parking signs have been turned on S. Market Street per PSP for enforcement. Councilmember Showers has asked the berm on Mulberry by her door be painted; it is a trip hazard. Many municipalities have experienced difficulty in getting road salt. We currently have enough to make it through the winter. Sewer Committee Jared advises the sludge pump sent out to Weber Electric has yet to be returned. The repairs to the basins are complete. A broken pipe was discovered in basin #2, the arm rusted and the bolts broke off. They will be repairing this also. Kline’s needed to take out 4 extra loads of sludge to get to the brackets. The blower needs repaired in the old digester. He will be scheduling Kline’s to clean out the pump station for the year and provide the quote. Water Committee Report There was a water main break at Sunbury and School Street on Tuesday the 28th. It took the tower three days to fill and some residences experienced lower than normal water pressure. Jared noticed on Saturday at 6pm, the chart showed it was finally filled. There is no way of knowing how full the tower is since there is no indicator. A level sensor is needed and was also noted on the DEP inspection report as a recommendation to install. President Shipp asked Isaac from HRG to see what we need to have this done. The lab error reported to DEP has been corrected with no violation. The PFAS testing is expected soon to let us know when further testing is required. Finance Committee Report Hamilton and Musser, the CPA’s are compiling data for a preliminary report. Solid Waste Committee Report The Fall cleanup will be this year. A date has been set for Saturday, October 11th from 8-12pm. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger has been working with the engineers to attain more than one bid for the required work on the Sewer Grant. HRG will get two more bids for the pigging of the main. Engineer’s Report Justin has been promoted and will be available if needed but Isaac is our assigned engineer. Isaac advises they have been in touch with DCED about getting the pigging approved through the grant. He has been in touch with the EPA Project funding application with a funding officer to be assigned. Chapter 94 and Chapter 110 are due on 3/31 and both are being prepared with the staff. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly advises he has not approved any new permits nor had any consultations. Mayor’s Report Absent. Old Business Several Councilmembers still need to turn in their financial statements. New Business Perry County Conservation District will be having an electronics recycling day at the Newport Fairgrounds. They are requesting $250 from each municipality. President Shipp read the charges to the residents when dropping off any items. The Council does not understand why the County needs to charge the residents in addition to the $250 from the municipalities. They feel as if the residents will not participate with the high cost of dropping off any items. Motion failed to be made. Tabled until the next meeting. The Picture Perry Plan was reviewed with three agenda items. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to have the projects remain in the action plan. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The employees are requesting a jump starter for the dump truck and pick up. Secretary Knellinger presented one for $199 from Northern Tool; Council approved the purchase under the tools budget. President Shipp wondered if the excess trees pushed up on the pylons of the Rt. 17 bridge would put enough pressure to cause damage. He is not sure if this would be a Penn Dot issue or Fish and Boat Commission. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 3rd at 7pm.